About Us
Sustainable Milton started in 2006. Since then, it has sponsored many local green events like town-wide spring "greenups," and promoted community sustainability from public educational programing in collaboration with Milton Public library and local schools. to solar energy installations, LED lighting, and energy retrofits on town buildings through Green Community grants (for which we helped Milton to certify in 2010), and much more.
Read More about our Mission, our Team, our History, and our Town Green Efforts!

There is no time like NOW to get involved with efforts to slow climate change. Governments locally and globally, including Milton's, are planning bold Climate Action goals.
Opt up to Green 100 for Climate!
Learn more here

Greening our Homes
In Milton, our homes account for about 59% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from the Town! Improving sustainable building standards and reducing emissions from buildings is KEY in our ability to achieve the state's Net Zero Goals set for 2030 and 2050.

Reduce.Reuse. Recycle.
NOW it is time to shift our thinking from throwing waste in the RECYCLING bin and focus our efforts on REFUSING and then REDUCING and REUSING waste of all forms!!!
Find ways to decrease your consumption and waste generation and find more sustainable options for all aspects of your daily life!

Everyone is back on the move after the COVID hiatus. The traffic is back!
Even though there are more EV vehicles on the roads these days, burning fossil fuels for transportation is one the biggest generators of Greenhouse gases.
Ride your bike! Walk to school! Take public transportation!
Every choice, no matter how small, can make a big difference!

Did you know that if you mow your lawn every OTHER week rather than every week you significantly increase the pollinators in your yard?? (Read Article)
There are a lot of little things that we can do in our yards that can help make it more sustainable and add more hospitable green space to your neighborhood!

There are endless resources at our fingertips today with in the mobile devices with us at all times! ​
Whether you prefer picking up a classic page turner from the local library, listening to an audiobooks or that favorite podcast on your way to work, or you are researching ways to reduce your carbon footprint, here is a starting place for you!

You are what you eat! Making choices about what food you and your family are eating and where that food is coming from is one of the most important choices we make throughout the day.
Here are some helpful resources for making sustainable choices when you can! ​

Our Awards:
Milton High School
Sustainable Milton is seeking to promote the next generation of environmental leaders. We currently have several opportunities for Milton High School students who desire to become more actively involved in sustainability while earning Community Service Credit. For further information with regards to student opportunities please contact us at info@sustainablemilton.org or check with the guidance department for our Community Service questionnaire.

Milton, MA is located just outside Boston. It is a unique suburban community with close proximity to the city and surrounded by treasured open green spaces preserved both privately and publically, such as in the Blue HIlls Reservation (State DCR) and the Neponset River Watershed.
We aim to create a community that acts to preserve our ecosystem as a whole. We raise awareness, educate and motivate residents, town government and businesses to reduce waste of all forms and create a healthy, vibrant future for all.
Read More about what we have done over the years and how you can impact your community by making sustainble choices.