Talk about Turf:
The focus of this page is to present information in regards to the pros and cons of the loss of the natural green space and the potential effects artificial turf may have on the community - good or bad.
​Sustainable Milton is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate the public, advocating that informed citizens make thoughtful decisions with high standards of sustainability in mind.
In this case, there is no simple answer, however, we have compiled resources to share. The more you read, the more you will know.
Letter Shared with the Conservation Committee November 21, 2023.
ISSUE: Ongoing discussions have occurred in Milton in recent years about the state of town sports fields and the need for improvements.
CONTEXT: Milton Town Meeting approved a multi-million dollar proposal this past spring for the reconstruction of the Lower Gile Field. The reconstruction approved would replaceme the current natural grass with an artificial (plastic) turf field, along with fencing, lights, and spectator stands. In addition to the Gile project, there is discussion of installing additional turf fields in other Milton locations . For example, Milton Soccer re-proposed Flatley Field (Neponset Parkway/Brush Hill Rd.) to Milton Parks & Rec. Board at its July 21 meeting.
CONTROVERSY: Many questions have been raised about the pros and cons of artificial turf and the environmental impacts it may have on existing open green space, abutting downslope neighborhoods, surrounding Pine Brook areas, as well as safety or injury risks to players and coaches , in particular, exposure to chemicals such as Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (aka PFAS “forever chemicals”).
Here are some links used to review the risks associated with replacing natural grass fields with artificial turf. Please feel free to share any information that you may deem resourceful in light of this topic.
Town of Milton Website: Lower Gile Field Proposal
Not all NFL player agree with Artificial turf bans
All NFL fields need to be natural grass, Bleacher Report.
A case against turf, Portsmouth, NH example.
More games or grass fields in MA?
National Research for Health Center: Children and Athletes at Play on Toxic Turf and Playgrounds
Debate for whether artificial turf is better for soccer?
Letter to the Conservation Commission from NEPRWA: April 2023
Wayland passes Artificial Turf Reforendum 9/4/2022
Sierra club letter supporting grass fields in Milton
Milton Access Video Recording of Select Board Meeting August 10 2022
Sierra Club Information Sheet on Artificial Turf
Proposal for Reconstruction of Lower Gile Field
Brockfill Webpage: Materials used on Proposed Field
Grass for Lower Gile Field Facebook Page
Martha's Vineyard Times Article: Dispute of Turf Fields Continues
2017 Washington Post Article on Artificial Turf and Health Risks
EPA 2019 Study of Tire Crumble Characterization
New Jersey Work Council Turf Fact Sheet
NY Department of Public Health: Information About Crumb-Rubber Infilled Synthetic Turf Athletic Fields (great links included!)